Our Offering
Under The Son Nursery School offers quality-filled, personal care and education to help you meet your childcare/work/life balance needs. We are built upon an ethos of ‘what we can do for others’. We are not profit driven, we are very much child, need and community driven.
We have created an enriching environment within which our children play and learn… a safe, fun and nurturing space for our children to wonder, explore, discover, grow and become enthusiastic life long learners. This is underpinned by our Christian core values.
We have garnered practice and influence from Reggio Emilia and Montessori, and have created our very own unique and child-led approach to the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) curriculum. Learning through Play is our pedagogical model, where children learn and develop physically and emotionally, with sound cognitive and social skills, within an environment that encourages collaboration, communication and exploration. We offer a happy and stimulating environment where play and learning is a joyful and rewarding experience.
Running bustling, community-driven preschools in London, and Under The Son in Johannesburg, have very much laid the foundations for so much of our training – the hands-on experience of running preschools and the understanding of early childhood development is best understood with experience.
We are environmentally friendly, with a focus on nature, recycling and the importance of outdoor and heuristic play. We are all-inclusive in meeting the needs of our families, irrespective of religion, social or economic background, gender, ability/disability, or language. A high percentage of our children are adopted, which is humbling. As Early Childhood practitioners we learn so much from our precious children every day.
We are delighted to have been awarded this accolade in 2020, 2021 and 2022.
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